Zunia Student Information System:

Prioritising School Security on AWS with ST4S and ISO 27001 Certification

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Zunia Security AWS ST4S & ISO 27001 Certified

At Education Horizons, we understand that safeguarding sensitive student data is paramount. Schools worldwide entrust their information to advanced systems like Zunia, a cloud-native student information system, to ensure data protection and school security. With its foundation hosted on well-architected AWS cloud infrastructure and having attained ISO 27001 certification, Zunia is an education technology system that schools can trust. Zunia has also been independently assessed against the Australian Safer Technologies 4 Schools program, a comprehensive evaluation of privacy and security requirements tailored entirely for schools. Zunia represents the gold standard in security for school management systems, demonstrating the future of education security.

AWS Hosting: World Class Security Infrastructure

Zunia’s commitment to data security begins at its very foundation, which is securely hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS), a global cloud infrastructure known for its unwavering dedication to cloud data security. AWS offers a high availability, fault-tolerant global cloud infrastructure designed to protect information, identities and applications. This secure hosting environment on AWS serves as the base upon which Zunia ensures the safeguarding of sensitive student data, setting the gold standard for education information security.

Benefit to Schools:

By choosing Zunia, educational institutions gain the assurance of world-class security microservices infrastructure, assessed by AWS themselves against the Well Architected Review Framework. AWS’s proven operational experience assures schools that their data is safe and further enables their digital transformation and future growth.

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ISO 27001 Certification: Gold Standard in Security

Zunia from Education Horizons, has been awarded ISO 27001 certification. ISO 27001 is the internationally recognised standard for information security management systems. Achieving ISO 27001 certification is no small feat. It involves extensive risk assessments and meticulous audits to demonstrate that a company is taking every necessary precaution to prevent security breaches.

Education Horizons chose the British Standards Institute (BSI) as their auditors because of their expertise in information security. This partnership with BSI extends beyond the initial certification because ISO27001 is not a one-time achievement, it requires ongoing efforts to maintain the highest security standards. Education Horizons has made substantial investments in this ongoing work, including having two certified ISO 27001 Lead Auditors on the team.

Benefit to Schools:

ISO 27001 certification guarantees enhanced data protection, regulatory compliance and risk management. By aligning with ISO 27001, Zunia ensures that every interaction with schools, product development and management adheres to the highest security standards.

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ST4S: Verified School-Friendly Technology

Zuniahas successfully qualified to be part of the Safer Technologies 4 Schools (ST4S) badge program, signifying a comprehensive assessment of privacy and security. ST4S works with schools across the country, providing a standardised framework for risk mitigation when using digital products and services within schools. By proudly bearing the ST4S badge, Zunia assures schools of its dedication to offering technology that not only enhances education but also adheres to the highest standards of safety and security.

Benefit to Schools:

The ST4S badge empowers schools to easily identify suppliers who have been assessed through the program. It provides peace of mind that Zunia meets their security standards, making it a safe choice for educational institutions looking for student information systems.

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Zunia’s robust security measures, including AWS hosting, ISO 27001 certification and ST4S assessment, provide schools with the highest standards of data protection. Schools can confidently choose Zunia, knowing their students’ information is in secure hands, paving the way for a brighter and safer educational future.

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