Queen Margaret College – mapping for the whole school community

Queen Margaret College sought AssetWhere to provide comprehensive mapping of its historically significant school buildings and above and below ground amenities and services.

675 students | Wellington, New Zealand

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As a Property Manager, I find it very useful. I use it as an asset list for each room individually, and as a record to call on whenever I need info on a specific area of the school.

Nick Harris

Queen Margaret College Property Manager

Full transparency

AssetWhere has allowed Queen Margaret College to visualise underground services, room and building details and key asset information in a user-friendly map-based system.
An additional output of AssetWhere is the Community Map – a high quality, detailed and up-to-date site map ideal for any visitor who requires navigation around the school and its facilities, including emergency services, grounds, sports fields, parking, and environs.

Queen Margaret College wanted to generate user-friendly and up-to-date site maps of the school and its amenities to hand to visitors, service personnel, contractors, and emergency responders.

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It’s been great to be able to hand it out to contractors and all types of visitors on arrival at the school because it covers everything, we need to inform them about, from emergency exits and bathrooms to underground services.

Nick Harris

Queen Margaret College Property Manager

Planning for the future

A key feature of the Community Map is the location of emergency egress locations.

The importance of this consideration was amplified by the large and damaging earthquakes that hit the New Zealand capital in recent years.

Nick said: “It’s definitely a useful addition to our school’s preparedness for any future emergency events.”

To see how AssetWhere can benefit your school, contact us for a friendly chat