Why choose SEQTA and Synergetic together?
By using both SEQTA and Synergetic alongside each other you connect all the operational data of the school with the teaching and wellbeing elements. This creates a holistic view of the whole school.
The two systems integrate and work seamlessly together; instead of having data silos and multiple programs with conflicting information you combine your knowledge into systems that work for you.
Teachers can stay in one environment as SEQTA is integrated with Teams and Google Classroom.
The benefits
SEQTA is the world’s premium student learning and wellbeing platform bringing visible learning to the forefront of education.
Synergetic is the proven school management system that connects your whole community, with the richest K-12 data set to streamline academic and operational processes and drive results in your school
Together they can:
- connect rich student data, generating powerful wellbeing and engagement insights to help your school grow;
- provide a single source of truth through one connected system, optimising your entire school – saving time, enabling collaboration and empowering informed decisions;
- make learning visible so you can maximise progress and achievement with SEQTA’s evidence-based tools;
- enable parents and carers to participate in their child’s education without extra admin for teachers by using SEQTA Engage;
- automate purchase order workflows and authorisations for your community database through Synergetic’s fully integrated finance systems;
- manage enrolment applications, events, fundraising activities and communications with past and current students.
Talk to our team
Our expert team of software consultants will be pleased to offer a live interactive demonstration to show what SEQTA and Synergetic in combination can do for your school. Call +61 1800 498 642 or email sales@educationhorizons.com.