Engage Teaching – Examinations and Exam Seat planning
Save time, reduce errors and improve the quality of your school examinations management. Engage Examinations provides your school's Examination Officer with comprehensive exam management and communication tools, streamlined workflows and exam seat planning for simple and complex spaces
Linking to your school’s student database, candidate cohorts are easily created, with the ability to create exam timetables, assign exams to room timetables and invigilators to exams. Customisable room design allows pupils to be allocated to individual desks with customisable desk labels from candidate lists.
Candidates can be added or removed from an exam with a ‘push-button’ function, and exam dates and times can be sent to students, parents and invigilators.
The system also has the ability to accommodate external candidates.
Exam results and reporting
Extensive reporting ensures that everyone involved stays abreast of the exam management process at all stages and, on those all-important results days, Engage provides specific support for Examinations Officers.
User-defined Excel spreadsheets with a wide range of sorting and grouping options make results reporting simple and transparent.
Links with Engage Fees allow exam fees to be allocated to accounts, with the ability to adjust fees or add a set fee for an exam series.
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